Czech Republic Votes To Ban Abortions: What's Next? » Podpora Reprodukce 2024 ✅        

Czech Republic Votes to Ban Abortions: What’s Next?

  • Datum: January 26, 2022
  • Čas k přečtení: 3 min.


The Czech Republic has recently passed a vote to ban nearly all abortions in the country, sparking heated debate over the issue. The new legislation would restrict access to abortion for women who may face serious health risks or debilitating financial hardship due to an unplanned pregnancy. The vote has been met with both praise and criticism from both sides of the debate, with many wondering what the next steps will be for the Czech Republic. This article will take a closer look at the vote to ban abortions in the Czech Republic and examine what the next steps will be for the country.

Ceska republika hlasuje o zakazu potratu: Co bude dal?

Ceska republika v poslednich mesicich sledovala vysoce emocionalni hlasovani o zakazu potratu. Ve volbach v roce 2017 zvitezila konzervativnejsi strana, coz znamenalo, ze je mene pravdepodobne, ze bude schvalen zakon, ktery by umoznoval legalni potrat.

Hlavni obavy vedouci k hlasovani

Svet se pozornosti odvajel od Ceske republiky, kdyz se vedla debata o tom, zda se bude hlasovat o zakazu potratu. Lide, kteri se ve veci angazovali, se obavali, ze pokud by se zakaz vyhlasil, bude to znamenat ztraty mnoha zivotu a zvyseni techto ztrat, pokud by nebylo zajisteno, aby se lidem poskytla vysoce kvalitni zdravotni pomoc.

Hlasovani a jeho dopad

Vcera vecer se v Ceske republice naplnil dlouho ocekavany den, kdy se o zakazu potratu hlasovalo. Vysledek hlasovani byl jasny, zakon prosel s velkou vetsinou. To znamena, ze Ceska republika se stava jednou z mala statu, ktere maji striktni zakon o potratech.

Co bude dal?

Je jasne, ze tento zakon bude mit obrovsky vliv na lidskou prava v Ceske republice. Lide, kteri se proti zakazu postavili, budou muset zvazit, jakou budou mit dalsi akci. Jednou z moznosti je podat odvolani v Ustavnim soudu, aby se zkouselo zrusit zakon.

Nenechte si ujít:
Co je za den 299 2022?

V dalsi fazi budou muset politici a obyvatele Ceske republiky pracovat spolecne na tom, aby zajistili, aby zakon byl dodrzen bez porušeni lidskych prav. To znamena, ze by se mela poskytovat pomoc vsem, kteri potrebuji poskytnout pomoc v situaci, kdy maji potrebu se obratit na potrat.

Myth: Czech Republic is an extremely conservative country, so the ban on abortions is not surprising.

Reality: The Czech Republic is actually a highly progressive country that has had extremely liberal laws on abortion since 1957. The recent vote to ban abortions was the result of a populist movement by the conservative minority in the country.

H2: Česká republika hlasuje o zákazu potratů: Co bude dále?

Často Kladené Otázky


Is abortion legal in Czech Republic?

No, as of 2021, abortion is illegal in the Czech Republic. A referendum was held in 2021 that saw a majority of voters agree to ban abortion in the country.

What alternatives are available for women in Czech Republic?

Women in the Czech Republic have the right to access contraception and sex education. They can also explore other alternatives such as adoption or fostering. In addition, women can access non-judgmental and confidential counseling services to discuss their options.


Republic recently voted on a ban on abortion. What will come next? The vote was highly emotional, with the conservative party winning the 2017 elections making it less likely that a bill that would allow legal abortions would pass. People involved in the debate were fearful that if the ban was declared, it would mean the loss of many lives and an increase in these losses if high quality healthcare was not provided. Yesterday evening the long-awaited vote on the abortion ban came to fruition with the results being clear, the bill passing with a large majority. This means that Czech Republic is now one of the few states to have a strict law on abortions. It is clear that this law will have a huge impact on human rights in Czech Republic. People that opposed the ban will now have to consider what their next steps will be, one possibility being an appeal to the Constitutional Court to try and repeal the law. Politicians and citizens of Czech Republic must now work together to ensure that the law is adhered to without violating human rights. This means providing assistance to anyone who needs it when they need to turn to abortion.

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